Discipline "Searching for Explosive Devices in a Car"

Purpose of Exercise: Finding explosive devices planted in the car and helpful indicative signs.

Time to Search for Explosive Devices in the Car: 15 min.

Number of Participants: two participants per team.

Number of Explosive Devices: 2 (two) imitations of "explosive devices" and 2-3 (two or three) objects indicating the presence of an explosive device in the car (indicative signs).

Conditions to Carry Out the Exercise: Before the beginning of the discipline, 2 (two) imitations of "explosive devices" are planted in the cars, as well as 2 - 3 (two or three) objects indicating the presence of an explosive device in the car (indicative signs). The planting of the "explosive devices" and of the indicative signs is done by the technical staff.

The search for the explosive devices in the car is performed in compliance with the methods of sweeping for explosives and in observance of the safety regulations.

Assessment of the Discipline: The score of each of the teams is a sum of the time in which both of the "explosive devices" have been discovered plus the penalty time for errors made, less the time to detect the "indicative signs".

Standings: The score of each of the teams is a sum of the time in which both of the "explosive devices" have been discovered plus the penalty time for errors made, less the time to detect the "indicative signs". In the final standings the team with the fastest time is the first.

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