The "Bodyguard" Championship
Multi-Discipline Practical Competition for Bodyguards
In his life, a bodyguard bears responsibility for the life of another person and he is expected to have special skills. Bodyguards must be able to identify and avoid dangers, to protect the guarded person by using their own physical skills or by resorting to firearms; to search for and detect explosive devices; to render first aid and to drive with confidence under extreme conditions.
The training of a bodyguard has to be at the highest possible level and therefore it requires to be continuously perfected. The "Bodyguard" competition is an effective method of complex examination of the basic skills of bodyguards through a variety of disciplines. The competitions are conducted in the form of state, international and world tournaments.
During the competition, the guarding teams show in practice the acquired knowledge and skills, and at the same time they match their skills against other teams. The multi-discipline competition for bodyguards helps the development, maintenance and improvement of the physical efficiency of the guarding teams by competing in sport events.
The "Bodyguard" competitions have become the arena for the manifestation of the sports and professional skills of the competitors, they contribute to the exchange of experience and the creation of social relations among the competitors from the various security services. They motivate the teams to conduct a purpose-oriented preparation for the achievement of high sports results in all disciplines of the competition.
The desire to improve the professional skills of the bodyguards is the foundation for the beginning of the multi-discipline practical competition "Bodyguard", which was launched in the Ukraine more than 15 years ago.
In 2001, the practical multi-discipline sports competition established itself as a new type of sport and was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Ukraine and by the State Committee of the Ukraine.
The practical multi-discipline sports competition for bodyguards is designed for teams belonging to state and private security and guarding services and structures, for sportsmen practising similar sports, as well as for students from vocational schools trained in these disciplines.
Disciplines in the "Bodyguard" Competition
- Tactics and Techniques for Escorting a VIP
- Hand-To-Hand Combat
Shooting at a Target while Guarding
- Fast Shooting from Various Positions
- Shooting from a Car
- Masterful Car Driving
- Searching for Explosive Devices in a Car
- Rendering of First Aid to a Guarded Person and Evacuation by Overcoming Obstacles
The competitions are conducted in compliance with the Regulations of the International Bodyguard Federation (IBF).